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13 FAQs for Redding, CA Wedding Photographers

13 FAQs for Redding, CA Wedding Photographers

22 December 2021 / Caius Symboll®

13 FAQs for Redding, CA Wedding Photographers

It's wedding season and many of us are looking for a wedding photographer in Redding, California. With so much information available on the internet, it can be difficult to find wedding photographers that offer what you're looking for.

22 December 2021 / Caius Symboll®

This blog post will guide you through 13 questions to ask when meeting with a wedding photographer before booking them!

What photography style do you prefer?

This question will help you determine if the wedding photographer’s style matches your own. Do you want candid shots or more traditional posed photos?

Do you have insurance?

You’ll want to make sure that the wedding photographer has liability insurance in case of any accidents. No one wants to worry about that on their wedding day!

How many weddings have you photographed at the venue we are considering?

This question is important to ask because you’ll want to make sure the wedding photographer has experience with photographing your wedding venue. They’ll know the best spots to take photos and how to work around any limitations posed by the space.


How long have you been photographing weddings?

This question will give you an idea of how experienced the wedding photographer is. The longer they’ve been photographing weddings, the more likely they are to be familiar with common wedding issues and how to solve them.

Do you have a portfolio I can look at?

Of course you want wedding photos that are beautiful, but they also need to show the wedding photographer’s style. You should be able to identify with the wedding photographer through their portfolio so it’s important for this reason as well!

Do you have any references I can contact?

Contacting references will give you valuable insight on what wedding photographers are like to work with. You can also ask them what wedding photography issues they faced and how the wedding photographer worked around it.


How long will you be at our wedding?

You’ll want to know exactly how much time your wedding photographer is dedicating to photographing your wedding so that there won’t be any surprises!

What is your wedding coverage policy?

You’ll want to know exactly how much you’re paying for wedding photography. The wedding photographer should be able to provide a clear list of what’s included in their package so there are no unpleasant surprises after the wedding!

What’s your wedding cancellation policy?

This question is important to ask because wedding cancellations happen sometimes. The wedding photographer should have a clear wedding cancellation policy so you know exactly what happens in the event of any changes after booking!


Where will we receive our wedding photos and how long do we usually get them?

You’ll want to know whether wedding photos are sent via email, delivered on a USB drive or mailed in an album. You should also ask how long it usually takes for wedding photographs to be returned after the wedding!

Do you have any sample wedding albums?

Sampling wedding photo books is important because it will give you clear insight into what your wedding album will look like. It’s also a great way to get ideas for your own wedding photo book!

Do you have any discounts?

It doesn’t hurt to ask the wedding photographer if they offer any discounts, especially if you’re hiring them for multiple services. You may be able to save some money this way!


How soon can we meet?

This is the last question to ask wedding photographers because it ensures you’ll have a wedding photographer booked as soon as possible! If they’re available, consider hiring them for your wedding day. Otherwise, keep looking!


Choosing a Redding, CA Wedding Photographer

From the moment your guests arrive at the reception hall, they are in for an experience like no other. Your wedding day should be a memorable one that you can share with loved ones forever- we want every person attending this special occasion to feel welcomed and loved by all who attend it too! So let us capture those moments of joyous celebration as well as any tearful goodbyes on film so future generations can see how much love existed on your day. Choose Symboll as your wedding photographer. Interested in wedding videography? We do that too. Thank you so much for reading! We can’t wait for you to have a blast on your day!


If your wedding spans multiple dates, just select your wedding ceremony date and we will confirm other dates shortly