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10 Things to Not Ask Your Wedding Photographer

10 Things to Not Ask Your Wedding Photographer

10 February 2022 / Caius Symboll®

10 Things to Not Ask Your Wedding Photographer

You've hired a wedding photographer and you're excited to start planning your big day. But before you do, there are some things you should never ask your photographer.

10 February 2022 / Caius Symboll®

Here are 10 things to avoid:


1. Can I have the reject photos?

They’re called reject photos for a reason. Whether it’s due to blurry or unflattering images, your photographer will not want to include them in their portfolio. While you may be tempted to ask, don’t do it! It won’t do either of you any good and the last thing you want is for your wedding photographer (who has worked hard on your photos) to feel unappreciated.


2. Do you shoot in RAW or JPEG?”

This is an inside baseball question that only appeals to other photographers. If you don’t know what the answer means, it’s best not to ask.


3. Can you Photoshop that?

When you ask your photographer to photoshop things like skintone, eyes or the shape of things in the photos, it is not only unprofessional but it can make things look unnatural. Your wedding photographer will be happy to do some retouching for things such as blemishes and pimples, but asking them to change things that are fundamental to someone’s appearance is a big no-no.


4. What type of equipment do you use?”

Most professional photographers will have a variety of equipment in their kit. If you ask them about it, they are more than happy to share. However, if you don’t know anything about cameras and lenses (or even things like flashes), then asking this question is just going to make things awkward for everyone involved as your photographer might not understand why you’re asking. Just be happy that they have the latest and greatest equipment and leave it at that!

5. Can I give you a list of specific shots we would like?

Your wedding photographer should have a process in place to make things as easy on you as possible. If they ask for specific shots, then they will be happy to accommodate them. However, if your photographer doesn’t give you any guidance or direction (which is rare), then this can be an opportunity for you to let them know things like family formal shots and things you would like captured during the wedding day.

Just remember, the more specific you get, the less room your photographer has to be creative and capture things that are unique to your wedding day.


6. Can we get a discount if we edit the pictures ourselves?

If your wedding photographer is convinced that they can edit the pictures themselves so things look better, then there’s no reason for them to offer you a discount as well. Let your photographer do what they do best and trust that their work will be worth every penny!


7. Can we do this thing I saw on Pinterest?

Pinterest is a great place to get wedding inspiration, but it’s not the be-all and end-all when it comes to your big day. If you have specific things in mind that you want your photographer to capture, then by all means let them know! But if you’re asking because of something you saw on Pinterest, chances are your photographer has already seen it too and might not be so keen on replicating it.

Remember, your wedding photographer is an expert in their field and they will have plenty of ideas of their own that are unique to you and your day. So let them do their thing!


8. Can my friends and family use their cellphones for photos?

One of the things that are becoming more and more popular at weddings is a “no cell phone” policy. It’s great to have candid photos taken by your guests, but if they’re constantly on their phones taking pictures instead of enjoying the day, it can be pretty annoying for everyone involved (and you’ll probably end up with blurry photos too!).

So make sure you let your guests know that things like cell phones and iPads are not allowed (or at least discouraged) on the day. Your photographer will thank you for it!


9. Can we still shoot our engagement/portrait session if it’s raining?

If you’ve booked a portrait session with your wedding photographer, then the answer is probably no. Professional photographers have all sorts of equipment and back-ups to make sure that they can still take great photos in any weather condition. However, if the forecast predicts rain on the day of your engagement session, there’s no harm in rescheduling it. Your photographer will be more than happy to work with you!

Just don’t wait until the last minute to reschedule, as photographers tend to book up pretty quickly!


10. If I only need a few photos is it cheaper?

This is a question that doesn’t have a straightforward answer. It really depends on the photographer and their pricing structure. Some photographers might charge by the hour, while others might charge per photo. So it’s best to ask your photographer about this beforehand so you know what to expect.

However, if you only need a few photos for things like social media posts or just an email newsletter, then chances are it would be cheaper than if you were to book a full session with them.


Choosing a Wedding Photographer

From the moment your guests arrive at the reception hall, they are in for an experience like no other. Your wedding day should be a memorable one that you can share with loved ones forever- we want every person attending this special occasion to feel welcomed and loved by all who attend it too! So let us capture those moments of joyous celebration as well as any tearful goodbyes on film so future generations can see how much love existed on your day. Choose Symboll as your wedding photographer. Interested in wedding videography? We do that too. Thank you so much for reading! We can’t wait for you to have a blast on your day!


If your wedding spans multiple dates, just select your wedding ceremony date and we will confirm other dates shortly